Professional Mountain Dog Grooming Services

Professional Mountain Dog Grooming Services

Mountain Dog groomers – Mountain Dogs are large sturdy dogs, originating from the Swiss Alps. These dogs feature thick, double coats, with moderately long and slightly wavy hair. These beautiful dogs however shed all year long, with the main shedding / coat blow out in Spring and Autumn. A regular professional grooming session will help to minimise dog hair in your home and on your furniture. The Mountain Dog’s level of activity and lifestyle will determine the grooming intervals, but it is advised to groom your dog every 4 – 8 weeks or so.

HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon offer professional Mountain Dog grooming services. Read more below about the benefits of grooming your dog regularly with HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon, or make a grooming appointment for your Mountain Dog today.

The benefits of grooming your dog with HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon

There are many benefits that you and your dog will enjoy when grooming regularly with the leading dog groomers in town:

  • Health benefits: To ensure that your Mountain Dog’s skin and coat stays healthy, regular grooming with a professional dog groomer is advised. A professional grooming session will stimulate your dog’s skin, to promote blood flow. This ensures a healthy and glowing coat.
  • Convenient service: Grooming your dog with a trusted mobile dog grooming parlour is definitely the most convenient option when it comes to grooming your Mountain Dog. Taking your dog to the parlour is time consuming, and not to mention stressful for your dog.
  • Professional grooming service at affordable prices: As a professional dog grooming salon, we offer a comprehensive grooming service. From washing with warm water and professional branded dog care products, to conditioning treatments, nail clipping, scissor styling, shaving and more. See our complete list of dog grooming services and extras.
  • Clean and happy pet: Grooming your dog regularly will contribute to a healthy and happy pet.

Become a part of the HotDogs family, and book a grooming appointment for your Mountain Dog with the trusted groomers in Johannesburg.

Make an appointment for your Mountain Dog

Trust the leading Mountain Dog groomers for a professional dog grooming service. We trust that you will be more than happy with our services, professionalism and prices. Get in touch with us today for more information about the discounts offered on our regular grooming packages, to save even more!

At HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon, we love dogs. Your dogs will be in good and capable hands when being groomed by our team of groomers. Contact us today for more information about our services, and to make an appointment to assist with your Mountain Dog’s grooming needs.

Some of our happy customers:

Mobile Doggy Salon in Rivonia & KyalamiMobile Doggy Salon in Rivonia & KyalamiMobile Doggy Salon in Rivonia & KyalamiMobile Doggy Salon in Rivonia & KyalamiMobile Doggy Salon in Rivonia & KyalamiMobile Doggy Salon in Rivonia & Kyalami

Professional Mountain Dog Grooming Services
Professional Mountain Dog Grooming Services
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Afghan Hound | Boerboel | Bullmastiff | Great Dane | Mastiff, Napolitan | Mastiff, Pyrenean | Mountain Dog, Pyrenean | Newfoundland | Rottweiler | Saint Bernard | Schnauzer, Giant | Wolfhound, Irish | Cross Extra Large Long Hair | Cross Extra Large Short Hair


Alsatian | Bouvier des Flandres | Boxer | Chow Chow | Collie, Rough | German Shepherd | Goldendoodle | Husky | Labradoodle | Labrador | Malamute, Alaskan | Malinois, Belgian | Pinscher, Doberman | Pointer | Pointer, English | Pointer, German | Poodle, Standard French | Retriever, Golden | Rhodesian Ridgeback | Setter, English | Setter, Irish | Sheepdog, Old English | Shepherd, Belgian | Shepherd, White Swiss | Terrier, Airedale | Terrier, Black Russian | Weimaraner | Cross Large Long Hair | Cross Large Short Hair


Africanis | Basset Hound | Bulldog, British | Bully, American | Collie (Smooth) | Collie, Bearded | Collie, Border | Dalmatian | Greyhound | Pit Bull Terrier, American | Samoyed | Schnauzer, Miniature | Shar Pei | Shar Pei (Long hair) | Shepherd, Australian | Shepherd, Australian, Minature | Spaniel, Cocker | Spaniel, English Springer | Spaniel, King Charles Cavalier | Staffordshire Terrier | Terrier, Bull | Terrier, Irish | Terrier, Scottish | Vizsla | Whippet | Cross Medium Long Hair | Cross Medium Short Hair


Beagle | Bichon Frise | Bulldog, French | Chihuahua | Corgi, Welsh | Dachshund | Dachshund (Long hair) | Fox Terrier | Fox Terrier (Wire hair) | Havanese | Jack Russell | Jack Russell (Wire hair) | Lhaso Apso | Maltese | Morkie | Papillon | Pekingese | Pinscher, Minature | Pomeranian | Poodle, Miniature | Poodle, Toy French | Pug | Shiba Inu | Shih Tzu | Terrier, Biewer | Terrier, Boston | Terrier, West Highland | Terrier, Wheaten | Terrier, Yorkshire | Cross Small Long Hair | Cross Small short Hair