Mobile Dog Grooming Salon in Jackal Creek

Mobile Dog Grooming Salon in Jackal Creek

HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon is a leading parlour doggy parlour in Jackal Creek. If you are looking for a professional groomer to take care of your dog’s grooming needs, then HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon is the dog salon on for you. Our groomers are specialised in grooming dogs of all breeds including Yorkshire Terrier, Schnauzers, Poodles, Pekingese and also large dog breeds. Whether you simply need a wash and groom for your big dog or need to style your little pooch, make an appointment with HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon today. HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon is a top salon in Jackal Creek as well as other selected Johannesburg areas. Join our list of happy clients in Jackal Creek today make an appointment for your dog with the best mobile doggy salon in town.

Mobile dog grooming salon Glenferness

What does mobile dog grooming entail?

Mobile dog grooming makes grooming your dogs effective and convenient. Our mobile unit will park right in your driveway to collect your dog. Once we have gained access to an outdoor tap and electricity point, and have obtained a clean towel from our client, the grooming will begin…

Our grooming services include everything you would expect from a professional doggy salon. Our facilities enable us to give your dog a comfortable warm wash and even a blow dry.

Our professional team will ensure that your dog’s ears are protected throughout the grooming process and will also be sanitised as part of our grooming services. Your dog will be treated for ticks and fleas, ensuring a parasite free pet when returned home. We will also clip your dog’s nails professionally, making sure that their nail beds are not injured during the process. You will rest assured knowing that your dogs are in good hands when left in the care of our professional dog groomers in Jackal Creek.

Regular grooming will help to keep your dog’s skin and coat healthy, tick and flea free, and any skin conditions will be detected early. Not to mention thet your dog will look and smell great!

Some of our happy customers:

Mobile Doggy Salon in Rivonia & KyalamiMobile Doggy Salon in Rivonia & KyalamiMobile Doggy Salon in Rivonia & KyalamiMobile Doggy Salon in Rivonia & KyalamiMobile Doggy Salon in Rivonia & KyalamiMobile Doggy Salon in Rivonia & Kyalami

Contact the best dog salon in Jackal Creek today

Make an appointment with HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon in Jackal Creek today. We guarantee that you will be pleasantly surprised when grooming your dogs with our professional team. Let us take care of your dogs grooming needs in Jackal Creek and other selected Johannesburg areas.

Mobile Dog Grooming Salon in Jackal Creek
Mobile Dog Grooming Salon in Jackal Creek
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Afghan Hound | Boerboel | Bullmastiff | Great Dane | Mastiff, Napolitan | Mastiff, Pyrenean | Mountain Dog, Pyrenean | Newfoundland | Rottweiler | Saint Bernard | Schnauzer, Giant | Wolfhound, Irish | Cross Extra Large Long Hair | Cross Extra Large Short Hair


Alsatian | Bouvier des Flandres | Boxer | Chow Chow | Collie, Rough | German Shepherd | Goldendoodle | Husky | Labradoodle | Labrador | Malamute, Alaskan | Malinois, Belgian | Pinscher, Doberman | Pointer | Pointer, English | Pointer, German | Poodle, Standard French | Retriever, Golden | Rhodesian Ridgeback | Setter, English | Setter, Irish | Sheepdog, Old English | Shepherd, Belgian | Shepherd, White Swiss | Terrier, Airedale | Terrier, Black Russian | Weimaraner | Cross Large Long Hair | Cross Large Short Hair


Africanis | Basset Hound | Bulldog, British | Bully, American | Collie (Smooth) | Collie, Bearded | Collie, Border | Dalmatian | Greyhound | Pit Bull Terrier, American | Samoyed | Schnauzer, Miniature | Shar Pei | Shar Pei (Long hair) | Shepherd, Australian | Shepherd, Australian, Minature | Spaniel, Cocker | Spaniel, English Springer | Spaniel, King Charles Cavalier | Staffordshire Terrier | Terrier, Bull | Terrier, Irish | Terrier, Scottish | Vizsla | Whippet | Cross Medium Long Hair | Cross Medium Short Hair


Beagle | Bichon Frise | Bulldog, French | Chihuahua | Corgi, Welsh | Dachshund | Dachshund (Long hair) | Fox Terrier | Fox Terrier (Wire hair) | Havanese | Jack Russell | Jack Russell (Wire hair) | Lhaso Apso | Maltese | Morkie | Papillon | Pekingese | Pinscher, Minature | Pomeranian | Poodle, Miniature | Poodle, Toy French | Pug | Shiba Inu | Shih Tzu | Terrier, Biewer | Terrier, Boston | Terrier, West Highland | Terrier, Wheaten | Terrier, Yorkshire | Cross Small Long Hair | Cross Small short Hair