Mobile Dog Grooming Salon in Craighall – HotDogs Grooming Doggy Parlour
Are you looking for a trusted and professional dog grooming salon in Craighall? Trust HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon to provide you with excellent dog grooming services in Craighall and other selected Johannesburg areas. We have been grooming dogs right across Johannesburg, offering affordable and convenient dog grooming services to our clients in the area.
If you are based in Craighall or other Johannesburg area, and would like to book an appointment with our professional mobile doggy parlour, contact HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon today for assistance.

Some of our happy customers:
Dog grooming packages at the leading doggy parlour / mobile dog salon in Craighall
If you’re wondering what our dog grooming packages at this mobile doggy salon in Craighall includes, you can expect all the services you would at a regular dog salon (or even more). Our basic dog grooming packages at this mobile doggy parlour include:
- Thorough brush and comb to remove debris, loose hair and to de-tangle the dog’s coat.
- We ensure that the dog’s inner ears are protected from getting wet to avoid infection.
- Warm washing with professional branded doggy shampoo.
- Warm conditioning treatment with professional branded doggy conditioners, designed for your dog’s specific coat type.
- A doggy massage to stimulate skin, during which we will check for lumps, hot spots and other skin irregularities.
- Tick and flea treatment (the dip is not circulated).
- Towel dry and temperature and speed adjustable blow dry.
- Thorough coat styling brush out.
- Cleaning and sanitising the ears.
- Nail Clipping.
- Powder, perfume or cologne sprits.
- Hair accessories for that final touch.
There are also additional dog grooming services available at HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon such as dog breed specific styling, sanitary clipping, teeth cleaning, shedding solutions, dematting, anal gland excretion and more. Choose the grooming package that best suits your dog’s needs. Call us today to groom your dog in our mobile doggy parlour in Craighall today!