Leading Mobile Dog Grooming Salon in Beverley, Beverley AH & Norscot
Are you in need of a dog groomer in Beverley, Beverley AH or Norscot to groom your dogs? HotDogs Mobile Dog Salon is a top doggy parlour in Johannesburg, grooming dogs professionally and according to their specific needs. HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon is trusted by many clients in the area, due to our convenient, professional, and affordable dog grooming service.
If you are looking for a dog salon you can trust, then HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon is the doggy parlour for you! Don’t waste hours of your time taking your dog to the parlour or trying to groom them yourself, when HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon can come straight to your home in Beverley, Beverly AH or Norscot. Contact the leading mobile dog salon in Johannesburg to make an appointment for your dog.

We make dog grooming easy and convenient
HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon is proud to have a long list of happy clients, including clients in Beverley, Beverley AH and Norscot. Our mobile dog grooming service saves our clients time, money and effort. We will come straight to your home and collect your dog, to be groomed inside our fully equipped mobile doggy salon, right in your own driveway. We simply require access to an electricity point and an outdoor tap. Your dog will be treated to a warm shampoo and conditioning treatment, tick and flea dip, doggy massage (including an assessment of the skin and coat to determine any skin conditions and irregularities), towel dry (please supply your own towel for hygiene reasons) and a very comfortable blow dry. Your dog’s nails will be clipped, eyes cleaned and ears sanitised, and rounded off with powder, perfume and accessories. View our list of grooming services.
Contact the leading dog salon in Beverley, Beverley AH & Norscot today
If you live in Beverley, Beverley AH or Norscot and are looking for a trusted dog salon to groom your dogs, contact HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon today. We will get your dogs looking and smelling clean and fresh in no time. Our dedicated team of groomers possess the necessary knowledge, experience and love for dogs to provide you with a professional grooming service.
Remember that you are welcome to check on your dog at any time when being groomed in one of our mobile doggy parlour units – Call HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon today to make an appointment.
Some of our happy customers: