Dog Grooming Salon in Broadacres & Broadacres AH – HotDogs

Dog Grooming Salon in Broadacres & Broadacres AH – HotDogs

If you are looking for a trusted doggy parlour in Broadacres or Broadacres AH, contact HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon today. Our mobile dog salon will come straight to your home to groom you dogs – both you and your dog will feel more comfortable, knowing that he / she will be groomed right in your driveway inside our fully equipped dog parlour. Our units are equipped with all the equipment and supplies we will need to groom your dog professionally and according to their specific needs. Our grooming services include everything from a warm wash and blow dry treatment, to styling and treatments for ticks and fleas.

The dog groomers at Hotdogs Mobile dog Grooming Salon are trained and experienced in grooming dogs of all breeds and sizes. Let our team of groomers take care of your dog’s grooming needs – Contact HotDogs today to make a grooming appointment for your dog.

Mobile dog grooming salon Glenferness

The benefits of trusting Hotdogs Mobile dog Grooming Salon to groom your dogs

Hotdogs Mobile dog Grooming Salon is fast becoming the leading dog parlour in Broadacres / Broadacres AH, and many other Johannesburg areas services by our dog parlour. Here are a few of the benefits you will enjoy when trusting HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon to groom your dogs:

  • Time: Save time by letting our dog parlour come to your home, instead of taking your dog to the parlour yourself.
  • Convenient: Our team will only need 3 things to groom your dogs in our mobile dog parlour in Broadacres / Broadacres AH – access to an electricity point, a tap for fresh water as well as a clean towel (for hygiene purposes).
  • Professional: HotDogs Grooming offers a professional dog grooming service to clients in selected Johannesburg areas. Our mobile doggy parlour is equipped with all the essential products and equipment to get your dog looking and feeling clean and fresh. See our complete list of dog grooming services.
  • Easy: No more struggling to get your dog into the car, leaving your dog in a cage and stressing them out. You can check on your dog at any time when they are being groomed in our dog parlour outside your home.
  • Peace of mind: There is no need to worry about your dogs, as they will be in our mobile dog salon right in your own driveway – free for you to check on them any time.
  • Affordable: Our dog grooming packages are competitively priced to make it affordable for our clients to groom their dogs regularly. Get a quote today to groom your dogs with the leading dog groomers in Broadacres and Broadacres AH.

Call or Email Hotdogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon today for more information about our dog grooming services, and to make an appointment for your dog. You won’t be disappointed!

Some of our happy customers:

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Dog Grooming Salon in Broadacres & Broadacres AH – HotDogs
Dog Grooming Salon in Broadacres & Broadacres AH – HotDogs
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Afghan Hound | Boerboel | Bullmastiff | Great Dane | Mastiff, Napolitan | Mastiff, Pyrenean | Mountain Dog, Pyrenean | Newfoundland | Rottweiler | Saint Bernard | Schnauzer, Giant | Wolfhound, Irish | Cross Extra Large Long Hair | Cross Extra Large Short Hair


Alsatian | Bouvier des Flandres | Boxer | Chow Chow | Collie, Rough | German Shepherd | Goldendoodle | Husky | Labradoodle | Labrador | Malamute, Alaskan | Malinois, Belgian | Pinscher, Doberman | Pointer | Pointer, English | Pointer, German | Poodle, Standard French | Retriever, Golden | Rhodesian Ridgeback | Setter, English | Setter, Irish | Sheepdog, Old English | Shepherd, Belgian | Shepherd, White Swiss | Terrier, Airedale | Terrier, Black Russian | Weimaraner | Cross Large Long Hair | Cross Large Short Hair


Africanis | Basset Hound | Bulldog, British | Bully, American | Collie (Smooth) | Collie, Bearded | Collie, Border | Dalmatian | Greyhound | Pit Bull Terrier, American | Samoyed | Schnauzer, Miniature | Shar Pei | Shar Pei (Long hair) | Shepherd, Australian | Shepherd, Australian, Minature | Spaniel, Cocker | Spaniel, English Springer | Spaniel, King Charles Cavalier | Staffordshire Terrier | Terrier, Bull | Terrier, Irish | Terrier, Scottish | Vizsla | Whippet | Cross Medium Long Hair | Cross Medium Short Hair


Beagle | Bichon Frise | Bulldog, French | Chihuahua | Corgi, Welsh | Dachshund | Dachshund (Long hair) | Fox Terrier | Fox Terrier (Wire hair) | Havanese | Jack Russell | Jack Russell (Wire hair) | Lhaso Apso | Maltese | Morkie | Papillon | Pekingese | Pinscher, Minature | Pomeranian | Poodle, Miniature | Poodle, Toy French | Pug | Shiba Inu | Shih Tzu | Terrier, Biewer | Terrier, Boston | Terrier, West Highland | Terrier, Wheaten | Terrier, Yorkshire | Cross Small Long Hair | Cross Small short Hair